Officially created in 1984, the Brazilian Society of Cardiac Arrhythmias (SOBRAC), formerly the Department of Arrhythmias and Clinical Electrophysiology (DAEC), is a non-profit medical entity, affiliated with the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC).The objectives of SOBRAC are to standardize activities related to cardiac arrhythmias in Brazil, promote scientific development and professional development of the specialty, in addition to guiding the lay population regarding the most common problems linked to cardiac arrhythmia, through educational campaigns.Headquartered in the city of São Paulo, the Society has national operations, having created in 2006 the Continuing Education Program (PreCon), linked to the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (SBC) and the Society of Cardiology of the State of São Paulo (SOCESP), and whose purpose is to disseminate and harmonize conduct in the area of cardiac arrhythmias to doctors in the clinical area, in events held annually in different regions of the country.It also holds, annually, the National Congress of Cardiac Arrhythmias, the largest event of its kind in Latin America, which brings together renowned professionals from Brazil and abroad.The work to raise awareness among the lay population about the problem of arrhythmias and sudden death began in 2007, with the launch of the National Campaign for the Prevention of Sudden Death, entitled Coração Na Batida Certa, which established November 12th for its mobilizations with this public, in actions carried out by the Societys associates and partners throughout the national territory.Privacy Policies